CPK Association USA presents… Bio systems Integration (BSI)

Basic Skills Modules and Exam

(Includes digital manual for download and print, video with unlimited access)

This module is to introduce essential elements that reveal the body’s responses to test queries… Muscle response testing and Bio Emissions testing.
Principles and technology of Muscle Reactivation have been extracted from Applied Kinesiology, and Bio Computer language from Clinical Kinesiology, and Bio Feedback Emissions testing from Kinesthesia.

(Includes digital manual for download and print, video with unlimited access, and one workshop)

This module is to introduce how to determine the tissue in distress with the proprietary S.C.O.P.E. Filing System how to integrate with the Location Filing System and the Processing System that reveals Where, what, How, and When to treat.

(Includes digital manual for download and print, video with unlimited access, and one workshop)

This module will introduce the first of the three Entry Systems. The FORMAT ENTRY Flow Chart of the processing system is the doctor’s choice for investigation and examinations. You will learn how to Format a examination of physiological significance. The processing of Chief Complaints and the Master Point’s Priority for the body will be presented in the next module.

(Includes digital manual for download and print, video with unlimited access, and one workshop)

This module will introduce the Flow Chart of CHIEF COMPLAINT ENTRY for symptom control, and the Flow Chart of the MASTER POINT ENTRY, to determine the body’s ultimate Priority.

Everyone must pass the Basic Skills Quiz and receive a personal passcode to access six advanced training sessions of Structural, Chemical, Organ, Psyche/Stress, Electrical Files

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S.C.O.P.E. Modules